Friday, June 13, 2008

Please don´t say 'I told you so'

Its hard to believe I´ve just finished my second week of work. I can´t believe how far I´ve come since that first day. From crying all the way home, absolutely certain that I was going to ask for a new job to.........well, I´m not entirely sure where I´m at right now. I wouldn´t exactly say I´m completely comfortable with my job, but I´m getting there. I´m understanding more about the organization and my responsibilities a little more each day. There have been several moments of sheer frustration and confusion these past 14 days, and I´m positive there will be plenty more, but of course, I have learned from each of them. 'Now I know...'

Facing the clients at the front desk continues to be the most difficult part of my job, and often the other student/intern takes over this task, but during my turn I am learning that I have to quit being so timid, just do my best and not take it personally when the client doesn´t understand me or complains about the service.

Today was easily the best day I´ve had at Hombre y Tierra. Fridays seem to put everyone in a good mood. Clients weren´t as grouchy and my coworkers were in kind of goofy, fun moods. Kris, the main secretary/assistant to the director, told me today that work will be much different once we begin our summer hours in July. 'All of Spain is on vacation,' she told me. So our doors are only open from 9:30-5 and we only provide consultations until 2 pm. (This really doesn´t make any sense to me. Why would we keep the door open till 5 if we´re not giving consultations?I guess I´ll just wait and see.) Kris told me that there are a lot fewer clients and our boss, Maive, takes the months of June and August off to go back to her native Peru. Sounds like it will be much more relaxed and I am looking forward to it.

Besides the stress and challenges of work, I have been enjoying my time in Spain so far. I can´t believe its been over 3 weeks! I have been very fortunate to make some good friends (the Sara[h]s!) and am having an great experience in my homestay. One of the Sara[h]s and I live together with our host mother, Julia Isabel (whom we affectionately call Mama Isa, but never to her face). Mama Isa is always cheerful and excited to talk with us (and repeat things for us!) and recommend sites around Madrid and the rest of Spain. Also, she has a cook who happens to be extremely talented. All in all, I´ve been really lucky!

This weekend I´m heading to Sevilla with the Sara[h]s. We´re excited to see more of Spain and we´ll also be meeting up with one of my friends from elementary/high school, Danna, who is studying there. I can´t wait!!

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