Friday, June 6, 2008

finishing the first week of work

...but of course I had to.

I dreaded going back to Hombre y Tierra. By 5 pm on Tuesday, I was dragging my feet in protest the whole way. At least this time I know what to expect, I told myself.

And sure enough, the first few hours were just as miserable as they had been the day before. Maive was there, but consultations can be lengthy and one lawyer just wasn´t enough to keep things running smoothly. People complained and walked out, then returned and complained again when they learned that it still wasn´t their turn. I tried to smile and make small talk with a few clients, but I was nervous and my voice shook as I stumbled through Spanish. Kriss did most of the work, but she´d often have to run to the back offices to find someone´s file or something, leaving me alone in front of the crowd. And sure enough, everytime she had to retrieve a file, a new client would enter and I´d have to explain that I was new and that they´d have to wait for the other receptionist to return. They almost never understood me the first time I explained myself, so I´d try again. If they still didn´t get it, the cranky person next to them would speak on my behalf. This would surely result with either a thoroughly annoyed eyeroll or a laugh at my expense, or sometimes both.

Around 7:30, there was a brief pause in attending to clients and Kriss was finally able to explain a few things to me. She told me about the other American student that works in the morning, and about some of the things I´d be doing around the office. She told me they receive students all the time. I still haven´t decided if thats a good thing or not. Is that why they´ve made no effort to get to know me or explain anything to me? They just figure I´ll pick it up as I go along? Or am I fortunate that they have so much experience with interns? Will it somehow be more worthwhile than it might be with other employers that have never had an intern? Despite these questions, I did feel a little relieved to finally get to speak to Kriss directly and not just have to sit back and watch.

When 9 o´clock rolled around, I ended the day by asking Maive if I could switch and work in the mornings. Mama Isa had suggested it because my roommate & friend, Sarah, was also working mornings and as summer was on its way, we´d want to go out together in the afternoons (to the park or pool, etc) Maive hesitated at first, but then agreed that it´d be okay. This might be okay afterall, I thought.

I worked the morning shift the rest of the week. And its an entirely different experience all together. In the morning there are 4-5 lawyers working alongside Maive, Kriss and another receptionist, and the other intern. Things just run so much more smoothly. There are fewer clients and the mood is noticeably less hostile.

I particularly enjoy working alongside the other intern, Janet. She is has been helpful in showing me around the office and finding things to do when it gets slow. Also, she has a great big laugh and easy smile and she uses both of them to make people forget about whatever Spanish mistake she may have just made. She´s made me realize I need to just relax and not be afraid to screw up.

For now, things are looking up...

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